Thursday 16 June 2022

Elder East Returns Home With Honour

 Elder East completed his two years of missionary service in the Australia Adelaide Mission on the 14th June 2022. He flew out of Adelaide at 4:20pm and arrived in Canberra at 6:20pm. 

There was much happiness at the airport from Mum to see her boy again after two years.

It was then a case of heading to the Stake Center where he had his final interview with President Moir ( First Counselor in the Stake Presidency) before being formally released. Unfortunately, a family friend and Stake President, President Stuart had come down sick and tested Covid positive the previous evening and was unable to do the interview himself. 

Elder East had the opportunity to share a beautiful "final testimony" to his family before being formally released.

Back at home, Mum had printed up a poster and stuck it on his bedroom door. The poster summarised Elder East's mission thus.

We are so proud of him and the work that hes done, and his desire to help and assist others. 

Sunday 12 June 2022

Video Call - 6th June 2022 - Farewell P-Day Celebration

 It was Elder East's last P Day with the other missionaries. The following P Day he would be heading into the mission home and getting ready to go home. His Zone had an activity day as a farewell for him and a birthday celebration for Elder Burgess. 

Elder East did try calling us from the activity but there was so much noise we couldn't hear what he was saying. We ended up cutting the call short, with Elder East letting us know that he'd try calling us later in the day. Unfortunately, that didn't eventuate. 

The little we did hear him say was that it had been a hectic week, and that President Johansson had been in the Northern Territory for most of it. 

Later in the day we did see a video from one of the other missionaries from Canberra who was serving in the AAM. The video had footage from their P Day activity. I've tried to grab some screenshots of the video below with some added commentary. 

The first shot is of Elder East getting an egg splattered on his head. They appeared to be playing some sort of game where the losers got wet or got hit with eggs. This egg hit was a sneak attack though ;)

Photo of the missionaries having lunch. You'll notice that Elder East has changed out of his wet/egg-splattered clothes. 

Trying to eat a donut suspended from a string without using your hands.

Elder Ma'a and Sister Malu have been making banners as a farewell gift for some of the missionaries as they complete their missions. This si Elder East's banner.

The banner can also be used as a cape apparently ...

Singing 'God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again."

Sunday 5 June 2022

Video Call - 30th May 2022 - Time to Start Packing & The Hero's Journey

With only two weeks to go until Elder East comes home, the P Day call this week was a very jovial one, with lots of family banter and joking. It was a long and happy chat.

On Tuesday of the previous week was the mid-cycle transfer and Elder Nelson joined Elders East and Ma'a in a three-way companionship to learn the ropes as an AP in the AAM. Unfortunately, Elder Nelson came down sick during the week. Elder Ma'a ended up in a  trade-off with another missionary for most of the week whilst Elder East stayed with Elder Nelson. Elder East describes Elder Nelson as cool, and a bit of a crackup. That's good to hear as Elder East had always sounded a bit cautious about what the American missionaries would be like when they eventually came into the AAM.

On Wednesday President Johansson flew up to Sydney for Mission President's Training with Elder Brent H Nielson from the Presidency of the Seventy. All of the Australian missionaries joined in a broadcast with Elder Nielson on the Thursday morning. The meeting was an 8am start for the Adelaide missionaries. Elder East said that he pitied the Perth missionaries who would have had the meeting start at 6am their time. 

Elders East & Ma'a flew up to Alice Springs on Friday for a baptismal service on Saturday (28th May) before flying back on Sunday morning. The service contained both the baptism of a new member as well as a rebaptism of a previous member of the Church. 

Elder East has an affinity for his time in Darwin and the Northern Territory - he considers it a part of his "Hero's Journey". He sees himself as being immature prior to his time in Darwin, having his awakening in Darwin, and then continuing on as a changed/transformed missionary. 

Source: Hero’s Journey Editable Diagram for PowerPoint by

Some other quick notes from our chat:

  • Two new Zones were created during the week. One currently doesn't have any Zone leaders, so the APs are assisting there. Elder East has started his sorting and packing for his return home.
  • There was a late change as a part of transfers about using one of the flats which caused a bunch of unintended consequences - eg a district with just Sisters - that caused some logistical issues that needed to be fixed up during the week.
  • We joked that we needed to make him up a list of important or interesting things to check out that occurred during his mission, much like people did for Captain America in the Avengers movies.
  • Jewel isn't looking forward to Elder East coming home ... it means she has to keep their bathroom clean. :)
  • Elder East is interested in getting us to order a computer for him for his return back home.
  • Elder East reckons that he's reached the point of being ready to come home. He loves the missionary work itself but not all of the issues and headaches associated with helping to look after the missionaries that takes him away from doing missionary work.

Sunday 29 May 2022

Video Call - 23rd May 2022 - Running on Two Hours Sleep & A New Companion

Today was the big day of the New Zealand assigned missionaries flying out of the AAM. When we spoke to Elder East he told us that he was operating on only 2 hours of sleep overnight due to the early check-in times (3:30am) for the departing missionaries. 

Just to add additional drama to the early start, they discovered that three of the missionaries didn't have the right Covid clearance certificates to be able to travel. They did have Covid clearance certificates, but not international Covid clearance certificates. The mission didn't even know that was a thing, and it was just fortunate that the other 12 departing missionaries did have the right type of certificates. Those three missionaries that were unable to depart were rescheduled to fly out on Wednesday (25th May). He said that whilst they were trying to sort out the Covid certificate issue the airport went from empty to full with long lines everywhere.

Just to add further complexity, they also received a call letting them know that some of the missionaries flying into the AAM from the New Zealand missions had missed their flight.

Because of everything that has been going on, lots of Elders have been using the APs flat as a temporary sleeping place. Elder East was happy that now that the other missionaries had flown out, the APs flat could get back a semblance of order again rather than being full of missionaries and luggage in transit.

Mid-transfers were happening the following day (Tues 24th May). President Johansson had made some last-minute changes to those originally planned. Elders East & Ma'a would be going into a three-way companionship to help train a new AP to replace Elder East when he leaves. Their new companion is Elder Nelson - one of the American missionaries who recently arrived into the mission. Elder Nelson is from South Jordan in Utah and has already served about 18 months of his mission in the USA whilst the borders were shut. He will be Elder East's 21st (and presumably final) companion on his mission.

Other quick notes from our chat:

  • The Ward had a cottage evening activity during the week. The Elders taught a lesson about the Plan of Salvation. Elder East said that it was a good night.
  • They were expecting eight people for Church on Sunday, but none of them ended up coming for various reasons, which they were disappointed about.
  • Elder East successfully voted in the Federal Election on Saturday - he'd transferred his enrolment to SA. He ended up having to help other missionaries who still had their enrolments back at home to find appropriate polling centres to vote at
  • Elder East will be heading up to Alice Springs next weekend where a number of baptisms will be occurring. 

Sunday 22 May 2022

Video Call - 16th May 2022 - Elder East's Final Zone Conference

Another rundown of Elder East's week in the mission field. On the evening of the previous P Day, the APs went over to the Travers family in Firle Ward. Whilst there, they were presented with a belated birthday cake for both of them. The Travers were originally going to be providing Elder East a cake on his birthday until the Covid isolation intervened.

Elder East also took a photo of their cat. He's a doppelganger of our cat Matt Matt back home.

On Tuesday they had a Stake Missionary Correlation Meeting as well as spent a lot of time in the Mission Office. They were able to teach a lesson to a man and his children in the afternoon. The same family would end up coming along to Church on Sunday which was a great step for them to take.

On Wednesday they had the Firle District Council. This included some singing practice as the District was going to be providing a musical item at the next Zone Conference. In the late afternoon, the APs were able to go and do a session in the Temple. Whilst in the Temple they happened to run into the Lees from Elder East's home ward. Brother Lee is from Adelaide and was back there visiting family.

On Thursday they met with the Senior Couples in Adelaide to work out the logistics for the following week. There will be 15 missionaries leaving the AAM and going to their original assignments in New Zealand, another 2 missionaries coming in, and 2 missionaries finishing up their missions. Sixteen missionaries all need to be at the Adelaide airport for a 6am flight next Monday (23rd May). They're flying up to Sydney and then on to their various destinations from there. Because most of them are heading internationally, they'll all have to be at the Adelaide airport by 3:30am. Quite a logistical task.
Later in the day, the Ward Mission Leader took them out to Hungry hacks for dinner.

On Friday they had a combined Zone Conference between 9am and 3pm for the two Adelaide zones. As a part of the Zone Conferences, those who are leaving the mission get to give a farewell testimony. With all of the New Zealanders getting ready to leave, they gave testimonies, however, Elder East wasn't asked to, even though it was his last Zone Conference. We figure that President Johansson must have either forgotten or not realised it was Elder East's last conference too. 

Elder Easts ent us through a number of photos of the Zone Conference. First up is a photo of when he was teaching that one of the Sister Missionaries took.

Then there are a couple of group photos. We're assuming that one is of just his Zone, and the other one is both Zones that were in attendance at the Conference.

Then we have some photos from after Conference. The first is with Elder Gard sitting on his knee. The story behind this is that in mission vernacular, a missionary you train is jokingly referred to as your son. Elder East trained Elder Rea, and Elder Rea trained Elder Gard, so this is a "grandfather & grandson" photo - hence the "grandson sitting on the grandfather's knee" pose and expressions.

The final one is a photo of Elder East with two of his previous companions - Elder Rea and Elder Brown.

On Saturday they had breakfast with a Senior Missionary Couple at the Bishop's home. The rest of the day was spent on trade-offs manning a stall at the Marion Stake Family History Day. They helped set up the stall in the morning and then manned it during the afternoon. In the evening they went for dinner at a Sister's home. She had a cat that Elder East made friends with, of course.

On Sunday, they had the family whom they taught on Tuesday come along to Church.

Some other quick notes from our chat:
  • Both Elder Rea and Elder Gard are part of the group of missionaries due to depart to missions in New Zealand.
  • Elder East has started two modules of his "My Plan" program that helps missionaries prepare for returning home.
  • Elder East still hasn't heard anything re his University application.

Sunday 15 May 2022

Video Call - 9th May 2022 - International Missionaries Arrive & Mothers' Day

Elder East was back in Adelaide, covid-free and busy with transfers that occurred on the previous Tuesday (3rd May). After transfers on the Tuesday, they had ten new missionaries arrive on the Wednesday. These new missionaries included greenies as well as three missionaries from New Zealand and three from the USA. Sister Bridge also completed her mission and went home this week, so lots of changes in the mission.

Thursday was spent helping with orientation for all of the new missionaries resulting in another hectic day. The APs also had to prepare for the Missionary Leadership Council that was being held the following day (Fri 6th May) as they were going to provide training during the MLC. 

Friday involved holding the Missionary Leadership Council, with Elder East providing training on standards.

Sunday was Mother's Day and Elder East was also able to call home and chat with his Mum. He sent through the following picture that he'd taken earlier in the week.

Elder East says that it's going to be a very hectic 5 weeks during the remainder of his mission. 

  • There is a really big transfer coming up. 
  • There will be an opportunity to go to the Temple next Wednesday (11th May).
  • Their Ward (Firle) will be having a cottage evening in two weeks' time (Sun 22nd May), and the APs will be doing some lessons as a part of the meeting.
  • Elder Brent H Nielson from the Presidency of the Seventy will be coming to Adelaide in the coming weeks.
  • President Johansson's mother-in-law passed away whilst they were all in Darwin. President will be staying in the mission, but his wife and son willbe accompanying her body back to New Zealand and assisting with the funeral.

Elder East also sent us the following photo from Elder Chick. he says that they're going to try and recreate some of the photos of their parents together on their missions.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Video Chat - 1st May 2022 - A Quiet Week In Isolation

It was a quiet week for the Elders as expected as they were quarantined due to Elder East's covid. Only one other Elder, from Alice Springs, tested positive for Covid as well. Fortunately, the rules for close contacts changed during the week, so the rest of the NT missionaries were able to leave isolation on Wednesday. 

Both Elders East & Ma'a had their birthdays during their isolation period, so once the other Elders were no longer required to isolate on Thursday they got the APs a combined birthday cake.

The Elders weren't able to do much during isolation, however, they were able to teach a lesson via Zoom to one of their investigators down in Adelaide. They spent the rest of their time trying to catch up by phone with people in Adelaide and trying to make sure other missionaries were OK.

Elder East made a successful recovery from Covid during his isolation period and was given the ok for release from isolation at Midnight on Friday night. They wasted no time leaving isolation, getting drive-through at McDonalds, and then driving to the airport to fly back to Adelaide at 2:30am on Saturday morning.

Some other quick notes from our chat:

  • On the 23rd May, all of the missionaries with original assignments to New Zealand missions will be leaving the AAM for their original assignments in New Zealand.
  • Consequent to the above, the APs will have a second set of missionaries temporarily assigned to Firle Ward until they depart for New Zealand. This companionship will share the flat with the APs.
  • A new missionary, Elder Chick, will be arriving in the mission this coming week. Elder East's mum and Elder Chick's Dad served in the same mission and were good friends. We sent through some photos of them together on their missions.