Sunday 12 June 2022

Video Call - 6th June 2022 - Farewell P-Day Celebration

 It was Elder East's last P Day with the other missionaries. The following P Day he would be heading into the mission home and getting ready to go home. His Zone had an activity day as a farewell for him and a birthday celebration for Elder Burgess. 

Elder East did try calling us from the activity but there was so much noise we couldn't hear what he was saying. We ended up cutting the call short, with Elder East letting us know that he'd try calling us later in the day. Unfortunately, that didn't eventuate. 

The little we did hear him say was that it had been a hectic week, and that President Johansson had been in the Northern Territory for most of it. 

Later in the day we did see a video from one of the other missionaries from Canberra who was serving in the AAM. The video had footage from their P Day activity. I've tried to grab some screenshots of the video below with some added commentary. 

The first shot is of Elder East getting an egg splattered on his head. They appeared to be playing some sort of game where the losers got wet or got hit with eggs. This egg hit was a sneak attack though ;)

Photo of the missionaries having lunch. You'll notice that Elder East has changed out of his wet/egg-splattered clothes. 

Trying to eat a donut suspended from a string without using your hands.

Elder Ma'a and Sister Malu have been making banners as a farewell gift for some of the missionaries as they complete their missions. This si Elder East's banner.

The banner can also be used as a cape apparently ...

Singing 'God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again."

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