Monday 18 May 2020

Mission Funding Completed!

Seth has been very blessed with his mission preparations. As the casual ESA work at the schools wound down, his Mcdonald's hours have picked up. He's been made a crew trainer and has been doing around 40 hours per week. For the last couple of weeks he's had 7am starts and has been trained in some of the cleaning/maintenance activities that need to go on.

It's gotten to the point where it looks like he now has saved up enough money to completely fund his mission by himself, and even has money left over. Having come to that realisation, he decided to "splurge" on a large Lego purchase. With a bit of help we helped him to track down one the Lego Architecture builds on Ebay, and $160, and several days later, a package arrived for Seth.

Somebody was very excited at the package when he got home from work.

He spent the rest of Thursday evening putting it together.

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