Friday 18 December 2020

Video Chat - 16th December 2020 - Transferred to Morialta Ward

We didn’t get a long video chat this week. The reason is because Elder East has been transferred again. He’s been transferred to Morialta Ward. He is in a three-way companionship with Elder Nalesoni and Elder Aiho. Elder Nalesoni was Elder East’s companion during quarantine, whilst Elder Aiho is the Elder from Tahiti who is his Twelfth Cousin

Elder East sent us a photo of Elder Nalesoni when he was telling us who his new companions were. No photo of Elder Aiho though - he was in the bathroom at the time.

Apparently, their new accommodation is close to a Hungry Jacks and an Oporto's but they're trying to limit eating takeaway to only once per fortnight. A quick check of the Adelaide map shows that having those two places together in the ward boundaries means that they must live somewhere near the suburb of Firle.

Morialta is meant to be a strong ward - averaging an attendance of 220 pre-covid, and still over 160 since returning from the pandemic break. The ward takes in part of Adelaide's eastern suburbs and hills, and then stretches about 150kms out into the countryside, past the town of Swan Reach.

Elder East is obviously disappointed to be leaving Marion Ward and no longer being the District Leader for Marion. He joked that he’s there as a “fixer” to help them with the work. Elder East is the only one in the companionship with a phone at the moment, so that will make things even harder. They do however have a car, and probably much to Elder East's joy, Elder Nalesoni is the designated driver.

They had a busy P-day ahead with Elder Aiho having to get an X-ray after having fallen off of his bike. New guidance from the Mission President is that districts are only allowed to have one "District P-day" per transfer, so that will be a change to the way a lot of P-days have been happening for them so far.

Elder East let us know that he received two packages during the week. The first was from the Reeves.

The second was from Grandma and Grandad. Elder East said that he loved it but it’s honestly way too much. I’m sure the fact he’s in a three-way means that they’ll try and help him eat any goodies.

The chat was a bit different in that Elissa was busy at work during the call, and Jayde had been able to join us too, so it was mainly Jayde, Jewel, Elder East, and myself talking. There was a lot of chat talking about how the pandemic was affecting missionary work, and about how the missionaries weren't allowed in the CBD in the AAM. 

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