Sunday 28 March 2021

Video Chat - 22nd March 2021 - Mum's Birthday

We managed to get two short video chats with Elder East this last week. The first was on Monday evening as it was his Mum's birthday. Elder East joined in with the singing of "Happy Birthday" and the cutting of the birthday cake pavlova.

Elder East had told Elissa last week that he had dreamt that one of his friends from youth, Tiahna, had received a mission call and was coming out to serve in the AAM, so he'd asked Elissa to find out if Tiahna was preparing to serve a mission. Elissa chatted with Tiahna's mum and found out that, no, Tiahna wasn't even attending Church much, let alone getting ready for a mission. However, the Bishop of the ward where Elder East is currently serving is Tiahna's uncle! He commented that they hadn't actually had much interaction with the Bishop yet.

We did also get a quick tour of his flat, even if it was a bit blurry. It looked like quite a nice flat.

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