Monday 2 August 2021

Video Chat - 28th July 2021 - Darwin District Conference

 Once again, it was only a very quick chat with Elder East last P Day. He seems to enjoy spending time with his district / Zone on P Days rather than speaking to his parents :)

Much of the last week had been taken up with District Conference. On Friday they had a  missionary devotional with Elder Lekias, the Area Authority who was visiting Darwin for the District Conference. Elder Lekias knows our family and recognised Elder East as our son.

On the Friday night they had the regular branch sports night. On the Saturday they had a missionary and leadership session of District Conference during the afternoon. Elder East participated along with Sister Smith as "YSAs" as part of a discussion panel with Elder Lekias.

There were the usual Saturday evening and Sunday morning sessions of Conference as well. The missionaries were part of the choir for the Sunday session, performing two hymns - Master the Tempest is Raging, and Count Your Many Blessings.

On Tuesday they had interviews with President Johansson via Zoom. Elder East said that they covered a lot of general topics, as well as some coming changes ... but Elder East wouldn't say what those coming changes were.

Elder East mentioned that they'd also caught up with a Brother King and his family. They are moving from Canberra to Darwin. Brother King was actually Bishop of Woden Ward when I was Bishop of Tuggeranong Ward about 15 years ago. (The two wards met in the same chapel in Canberra.)

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