Sunday, 19 September 2021

Video Chat - 13th September 2021 - Missionary Cane Toad Removal Service

The preceding week was a quiet but good week according to Elder East. They are still teaching a lot. He says that they are actually spending very little in the way of time doing finding as most of their time is taken up following up with people and teaching lessons. They were happy that a less-active member of the Church that they had been visiting came along to Church on Sunday. 

They all also provided a bit of service during the week - getting rid of another two cane toads. The first was at the same house as the last caen toad they got rid of. The second was at the same place where a snake came out of the garage whilst they were etaching. They removed one of the cane toads as it had killed a dog with its poison, whilst they removed the second one as a four-year-old child was about to try playing with it. Unfortunately, no photos of their cane toad extractions. We joked that at least we know what Elder East is going to do with his life after his mission - move to the NT and become a cane toad exterminator. 

With all of the recent discussions about trips to remote areas, Elder East advised that it looked like they weren't going to get out to Gove or Katherine. They were however going to be flying down to Alice Springs on Thursday morning (16th Sep) to have trade-offs with the missionaries there. They would be staying there over the weekend and flying back to Darwin on the following Monday morning (20th Sep).  President Johansson and the APs would be flying up from Adelaide to join them as well. Elder East was looking forward to seeing Alice Springs. He likes the idea of being able to try and work in remote regional towns.

Other dot points from our discussion included:

  • The temperature hasn't gotten below 20° over the last 4 months that he's been in Darwin. Elder East reckons he prefers the cold weather, as you can look/dress nicer in cold weather.
  • Elder East finished studying the Book of Mormon again, and has started back into 1st Nephi over the past week. 
  • Elder East had bought himself new shoes and clothes during the last week. He's hoping that they'll last until the end of his mission.
  • Elder East mentioned that they'd caught up with a member from Gove when he was in Darwin during the week, but we forgot to ask him about the details. 
  • His Great Uncle Ross was going to be visiting Darwin during the week and was planning to try and take him out to dinner. Elder East wasn't sure if he'd be able to meet up with him though. Because of the trip to Alce Springs, they'd already tried to fill up Tuesday and Wednesday by seeing everybody they'd normally see during the week. 
  • Four trainees were coming into the mission during the week. As a result, the missionary who has cut Elder East's hair whilst he's been in Darwin was transferred down to Adelaide. Much to Elder East's relief, however, the only other missionary who he'd let cut his hair was transferred up from Adelaide to Darwin to take the other Elder's place. 
  • Elder East got into a joking argument with his sister Jewel about the family car he used to drive, which Jewel now drives. The car's upholstery was updated earlier in the year with a cowhide print material. Elder East joked that he wanted his toy dinosaurs that sit on the dashboard removed from the car so that they can have some dignity. 

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