Friday 23 October 2020

Elder East Helps Teach Seminary

 Elder East's mum teaches Seminary. One of this week's lessons suggested getting some of the youth up and to imagine they were missionaries. She figured that what might be better was seeing if she could actually get Elder East and Elder Kennach to present that part of the lesson. 

She contacted the Mission Office with her request and details of the seminary lesson, and she received a same-day response advising "Your request meets with hearty approval!".

Elders East and Kennach were permitted to have a quick call with us on Saturday night (17th Oct)  to go through what was involved in preparing for the lesson. 

Elder East and Kennach successfully joined in on the Tuesday (20th Oct) seminary lessons - both the 6:30am lesson and the 5:30pm lesson. The main things they were asked to cover were: 

  • Personally preparing to give priesthood ordinances
  • Personally preparing to receive an ordinance
  • The importance of priesthood authority (ie line of authority)

As usual, the morning class was a bit more subdued - everybody always looks half-asleep/half-dead in the morning class, but the afternoon class was more involved, even if they don't look it in the screenshot further down.

President Stuart, the Canberra Stake President, managed to poke his head in online whilst the afternoon seminary lesson was on.

Elder East enjoyed studying for the lessons and said the lessons and preparation were one of the highlights of the week. 

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