Monday 19 October 2020

Virtual Mission Tour by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita - Photos

The Adelaide Mission blog has updated with a post about the Virtual Mission Tour by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita between the 6th and 9th October 2020

There aren't any close-up photos of Elder East in the post, but there are a number of large photos with him in, so have fun playing "Spot the Elder East".

Tues 6th Oct 2020 - 1st Mission Conference (Firle Chapel)

This was called "The Happy Companionship" role play.

Thurs 8th Oct 2020 - Mission Social Media Training: Brother Shawn Cates in Salt Lake City (via Zoom)

Thurs 8th Oct 2020 - 3rd Mission Conference (via Zoom)

Learning some origami from Sister Yamashita as an object lesson.

Fri 9th Oct 2020 - 4th Mission Conference (Firle Chapel)

Several photos of the missionaries doing role plays.

Elder Yamashita invited the missionaries to stand during the closing hymn (Called to Serve) and show their enthusiasm by fist-pumping. As you might be able to tell from Elder East's expression, fist-pumping isn't really an East family thing. :)

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