Saturday 28 November 2020

P-Day Barbecue at Hallett Cove - 25th November 2020

In a shocking development, Elder East actually sent us through a bunch of photos on P-day last week. In fact, he sent through more photos today than I think he's sent the rest of his mission put together. :)

Some of the photos were from earlier in the day where the missionaries in the Marion District had a barbecue at a point overlooking Hallet Cove.  Hallett Cove is a southern coastal suburb of Adelaide and features a conservation park with a boardwalk along the coast. Today was a day for them to socialize out in the open together amongst some scenery. They had a good selection of barbecued food to choose from, sausages, bacon, eggs and chicken. No vegetables I note.

It looks like the barbecue itself was held at the Heron Way Reserve, a newly renovated area at the southern end of Hallett Cove. Elder East didn't send any photos of it, but here are some from the web.

Further up from the Reserve was the boardwalk which heads past a feature called The Sugarloaf. Again, unsure if they actually walked the boardwalk or not, but here are photos from the web of what it looks like.

Here are the related photos we got from Elder East. Ones of both him and Elder Tukukino staring off into the ocean across Hallett Cove. I'm presuming these must have been taken before the P-Day - probably when they realised it would be a good location for a District P-Day activity and then sought permission from the APs. Then there are a couple of photos of the Marion District on the P-Day itself. Elder East said they enjoyed themselves, but he was a bit suburnt.

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