Monday 2 November 2020

Video Chat - 28th October 2020 - Working With the Prospect Members

It was only a short video call from Elder East on P-Day last week.

The District had stopped off at the library on the way to the chapel on P-day so that Elder East could use a computer to send emails. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get long at the library so he's behind with his email responses.

Transfers is next Tuesday, and they’ll find out on Saturday evening if it affects their companionship.  They know that they’re losing 5 missionaries who are going home, and apparently, only one new missionary is coming in in this transfer.

Elder East gave a five-minute talk in Church last Sunday on the Gathering of Israel. He studied up beforehand and had dot points, but not a full written talk, so we can’t get a copy :( He says that sacrament attendance is starting to improve, with about 70 at Church on Sunday as people resume coming back after the pandemic restrictions. The Elders had a chance to meet with the Bishop who encouraged them to work with the members. Elder East said that they are getting a lot more meals and appointments with the Ward members  - he puts it down to his great talk. :)

They did get to teach the previous Bishop’s son during the last week. Elder East said it went OK but he was struggling to adjust to teaching at an eight-year-old’s level. (In his words “ I’d forgotten how young 8 years old is.”) He said that they did use an object lesson using red food colouring when talking about sin and baptism. I'm presuming it's the object lesson using bleach to then make the food colouring disappear.

They also had a positive experience after their interviews with President last Thursday. They went and met with their investigator Fonzie. Elder East said that they had quite a strong spiritual experience whilst meeting with Fonzie and that he committed to being baptized, so they will work with him to prepare for baptism.

He mentioned that they also went and visited with the Indian man who previously wanted to argue, but with this visit, he actually accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon to read, so maybe his heart is softening a little bit as well.

It was good to hear from Elder East, but it was definitely a much quicker chat than normal. Hopefully, we'll be able to have longer video chats again sooner rather than later. 

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