Tuesday 13 April 2021

Video Chat - 04th April 2021 - Easter Greetings

We had a surprise short video call from Elder East on Easter Sunday afternoon. Dannielle Grant, a family friend was there when he called. Dannielle served in the Adelaide Mission and was in the same ward as Elder East is currently serving in about 6½ years ago. They chatted about the Ellis family, a member family that they both got along well with. 

Elder East said that they were given Easter Eggs by two different families, as well as Easter packages from Grandma, the Reeves and us. He had been trying to eat more healthily before the packages arrived. :)

A couple of quick dot point updates:

  • On Thursday/Friday, they had trade-offs with the Happy Valley Elders and provided service for some members.
  • After trade-offs on Friday they had the Missionary Leadership Council meeting via Zoom.
  • On Friday night they had the regular ward sports night, and they had a lot of people in attendance.
  • On Saturday they had an investigator take them to lunch at a restaurant on the beachfront, which was a great offer, but the restaurant turned out to be very crowded, the food took an hour to arrive, wasn't that great and was very expensive. At least it was the thought that counts :).
  • They had a new investigator turn up at Church for Easter.
  • Elissa gave Elder East a quick tour of the gardens to show off all of the hard work she's been pitting in outside.

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