Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Video Chat - 7th April 2021 - Catching Up With His Big Sister

With so many recent chats, there wasn't a lot to note from our weekly video chat with Elder East last P-Day. His sister Jayde was up from Melbourne with her girlfriend Eleanor, so there was a bit of time as Elder East and Jayde caught up on the basics of what's happening in their lives. We figured that we'd let them do the majority of the chat this week. Jayde is at university and has changed her degree back to Urban Design. She's currently doing work on GIS (geographic information system) mapping, which she thinks Elder East might be interested in.

Elder East noted that Monday week (19th April) is the next date for transfers. Elder East would like to stay in the area but thinks he'll be transferred. We discussed whether he might go to Darwin, but he thinks that Darwin my close to missionaries soon. They need senior missionary couples to keep things going in Darwin and country areas, and they are running out of senior couples as existing couples finish their missions.

If Darwin does close it would result in the eight missionaries up there coming back down into Adelaide, potentially opening up more areas. 

We asked about whether they might open up more of the country areas for missionaries. Elder East reckons that his current area is one of the most country areas in Adelaide, that's even if he is only two minutes from the beach. He then showed us the view towards the beach from their window.

Elder East commented that with the border restrictions relaxing, they may get an influx of new missionaries, especially with the plans for an Australia-New Zealand travel bubble.

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