Saturday 5 June 2021

Transfer Photos - 1st June 2021

The AAM Blog updated with photos of the missionary transfer that happened on Tuesday 1st June. These photos went up before we'd spoken to Elder East on P-Day the following day, so we saw pictures of him at the transfer, but didn't know if he'd been transferred to a new area or had a change in companion(s) ot otherwise affected by transfers. The fact that he was physically at the transfer meeting tends to suggest he was somehow affected.

Elissa was happy to see that Elder East had received the package with the winter coat that he was after.

It's not that hard to play "Where's Elder East?" in these photos. Whilst almost every other missionary is in thick jackets to keep warm, Elder East is there in just a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves ...

The first photo is the Zoom meeting on the previous night letting the missionaries know what was happening.

The rest of the photos are from transfer day itself.

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