Sunday, 13 June 2021

Video Chat - 9th June 2021 - Darwin is Great!

After his first full week in Darwin, Elder East let us know that he thinks that Darwin is great, and that Elder Evans is a good companion. Elder East commented that they seem to be in tune with each other.  He also commented that they’re allowed to door-knock in Darwin – the first time that he’s done that on his mission. 

He says that they’re getting a reasonable number of return appointments when door-knocking, but he doesn’t like “gate knocking”. He says that in some of the rougher areas the houses are typically surrounded by metal fences with chained-up gates and invariably a loud, angry dog in the yard. Door-knocking at these houses usually consists of banging a rock against a metal pole in the hope that the residents inside will hear you. He hasn't been attacked by any dogs yet, but apparently, it's only a matter of time.

Elder East said that their area had been pretty dead when they arrived, but that they have been working hard. They had 7 appointments the previous day … well, 8, but they forgot one! They’d been out doorknocking and out at appointments before coming home. They were starting to make some dinner when they got the call ‘Elders – are you still coming?”. Luckily the appointment was nearby and they were able to rush out the door. Elder East says they’ll make it up to the family.

They taught a lady the previous Friday where Elder East described as being prompted to be in the right place at the right time. The lady's husband had recently passed away and she was interested in learning more about the plan of salvation. 

After P-day (Thurs 10th June) they were going to be having a Missionary Leadership Council. Being in Darwin they'll be joining the MLC by Zoom. In the following week, President Marquis will be having a special Family Home Evening each evening with one of the Zones. Elder East wasn't sure whether Darwin's would be via Zoom or in person. There was talk that President Marquis was going to be heading up to Darwin in person before he leaves.

Some additional dot point notes from our chat:

  • The Palmerston Branch gets around 30-50 members attending sacrament, whilst the Darwin Branch is slightly larger, getting 50-60 each week.
  • When transferred up to Adelaide they don't take all of their stuff with them but have some stored at the mission office. Elder east realised that he'd accidentally left his recipe book back in Adelaide.
  • He didn't ever get his apron back that his Mum made for him, that he'd left at a previous flat.
  • They haven't done a stall at the evening markets yet as some have done previously. Elder east isn't too keen to do so, as it's primarily based around Family History and he doesn't feel very knowledgeable about it. 
  • They were playing basketball together as a District P-Day. Elder East said that he's sued to going out and playing hard as some of the other missionaries were good basketballers. By comparison, everyone's only putting in about 50% effort when playing in Darwin because it's always too hot temperature-wise.
  • The Sisters that also serve in the branch only live down the road. Sister Ip was training a greenie - her fourth trainee. Unfortunately, the greenie is having trouble adjusting to Darwin and mission life, and the word was that she was going to be transferred to serve back in the Sydney mission. Elder East wasn't sure what that would mean for Sister Ip and where she'd be serving.
  • Elder East commented that you need to make sure that everything is locked up in Darwin - theft is bad.
  • He says that they have some crazy stories from speaking to some of the aboriginal locals. One was complaining to them that the police forced him to go in an ambulance just because he'd had a heart attack.
  • Two families from Canberra would soon be traveling up to Darwin. The Clements would be visiting within the next month, whilst the Stuarts would be visiting in September. President Stuart has booked a day fishing trip for the family whilst in Darwin, however, the girls are no longer interested in going. If Elder east is still there, they may see about trying to get permission for him and his companion to join the fishing trip.

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