Sunday 30 January 2022

Video Chat - 10th January 2022 - Out of Isolation & More Christmas Conference Photos

Our chat with Elder East this week was whilst we were on holiday in Hobart, Tasmania. It was actually hard to get a time togetehr to talk as we were out of range on Bruny Island a lot of the day, and Elder East was busy. I don't have any notes from our chat in the evening, but there are a few things I remember. 

  • We chatted about his older sister Jayde, who had caught Covid during the week.
  • Elder East tested negative for covid and was now out of isolation.
  • We'd asked him to say hello to Sister Jury in the AAM as she's friends with a family we know in Tasmania. Unfortunately, Sister Jury was currently isolating as covid positive.
The family Facebook group did put up a lot of photos earlier in the week from the Christmas Conference that included Elder East in them.

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