Monday 31 January 2022

Video Chat - 17th January 2022 - Guided By a Dream To Discover the Lost Records

It was a tired Elder East who spoke to on the P Day of 17th January. It was the middle of the transfer period, and they had six new missionaries coming in mid-transfer. Consequently, there were a lot of other moves on. Elder east had been up since 4am to help take a missionary to the airport for transfer up to Alice Springs.

President Johanssen is still contemplating driving up to Alice Springs at some point with the Elders. If they do this, they may stop at Coober Pedy on the way which will be an interesting place to visit. It would also be an interesting place to be stationed as a missionary.

They had Zone Conference for the Nephi Zone on Tuesday. Elder East said the APs didn't have to provide training for as long as planned, however, they did have to assist with the Mission President interviews. Apparently there was about 6-7 hours of work associated with those.

On Wednesday Elder East got to go through the Temple for the third time. He said that it was really nice. He sent through the following photos taken in the temple grounds.  He commented that there had been some renovations to the Temple since when he had first been there.

On Thursday he was able to go on trade-offs with Elder Reeves whilst Elder Evans went with his companion.

They had done a quick trip up to Mildura over the weekend. Driving up on the Saturday, staying Saturday night with the Mildura Elders and returning back on the Sunday. I didn't actually note what they had to drive up there for. :) The long driving over the preceding two days was potentially another factor in Elder East feeling rather tired.

The highlight for Elder East though was a dream he had on Sunday night. He'd mentioned several weeks ago how the online area book system had lost all of the investigator records for Darwin when some of the areas changed. Last Sunday night he dreamt about where the records were being stored in the system. He had a look at the online system at where the dream pointed him too, and came across a section he wasn't familiar with, but was unable to access. 

During the week, tech support contacted the mission office to talk them through how to possibly resolve the issue however the instructions from tech support were not making sense to them. Elder East became involved and recognised that the answer lay in his dream, and that he knew where the records were. Sure enough, upon looking at the dreamt of area that he found of previously they were able to use the instructions from tech support to access it. The area contained not just the missing records they were looking for, but even more. They were not only able to recover the 600 missing investigator records for the Darwin area but close to 2000 historical investigator records from around the mission that unknowingly had disappeared off the system over time. It took Elder East's dream guiding him to the appropriate area to find the records that had been lost. Elder East said that it gave him a real incentive to study up more on spiritual gifts. 

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