Monday 15 June 2020

Being Set Apart as a Missionary

President Michael Stuart came over at 8:30pm on Wednesday night to Set Apart Seth as a missionary. Being Set Apart is the formal start of him being a missionary. President described it as being Set Apart from the sins and concerns of the world.

We arranged to have Elissa’s parents join us via a video call, whilst we had my parents listen in over the phone. President Stuart did the actual ordinance whilst I assisted. We made some quick notes of what was said in the blessing afterwards. These included:
  • Being able to Obedient, and understanding Obedience as the first law of heaven
  • Of having protection, of angels going before him
  • To have Inspiration
  • To have Health
  • He will want for nothing
  • To know that people are specifically waiting to hear him
  • To know that Heavenly Father loves him
Afterwards, there was time for some hugs and photos before Seth settled down into his new room on the bottom floor for the start of his MTC experience.

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