Tuesday 9 June 2020

Mission Prep – It’s a New Phone!

One of the big changes for modern-day missionaries compared to when Elissa and Adam went out is that they now have mobile phones. The phone has to meet a certain number of specifications, and once in the mission field, the mission office places a SOE overlay onto the phone that locks down the phone to restrict some functions and allow others.

Seth ended up going out with Alex G to buy a phone last Monday, but that particular store didn’t have what he was after in stock (despite what their website said.) Seth ended up ordering online from The Good Guys and was quite excited to receive his new phone last Thursday. He ended up getting a Samsung Galaxy A70, which he paid for completely by himself. He also ordered a 256GB Micro-SD card to go with it which arrived the following day.

On Sunday we stored a bunch of Church music and LDS audiobooks and talks on his phone for him to be able to take on his mission.

He's already put a wallpaper up of one of his derposaurs towering over Zion National Park ...

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