Monday 1 June 2020

The Great Pre-Mission Clothing Shopping Splurge™

Elissa took Seth out shopping two Saturdays ago for The Great Pre-Mission Clothing Shopping Splurge™. Seth's not a huge fan of clothes shopping but recognised this was a necessary inconvenience.

The final tally came to:
  • 8 white long-sleeved shirts
  • 5 pairs of pants
  • 2 sweaters/jumpers
  • 1 winter coat
  • 1 belt
  • 2 ties
  • 8 pairs of socks
  • 1 pair pyjamas
  • 1 pair business shoes
  • 1 pair runners
  • 1 pair shorts for exercise
Seth didn't just go with all dark suit pants, also choosing a light blue pair that he liked, as modelled below. 

In addition to what was bought, he also has a couple of suits that were given to him by Graham M from Church about a year ago. Most of the clothes are currently down in the spare room - soon to become Seth's "Missionary Training Centre".

Seth also bought himself a satchel with money from Grandma & Grandad Yates that they sent for his mission prep. (Missionaries aren't meant to use backpacks these days.) Nanny & Grandad East are planning to send over money to help buy temple clothing for Seth when the Distribution Centres open up again.

There was a bit of drama later in the day when Elissa realised that none of the white shirts that they'd bought for Seth have pockets, which is how missionaries usually wear their name tags. After some querying, she found out that a lot fo the missionary tags these days actually use magnets, so shirts don't actually need pockets.

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