Monday 27 July 2020

President Marquis' Welcome Letter

We received the following email from President Marquis, the AAM Mission President yesterday.

Dear Family of Elder East:

We have welcomed Elder Seth East to the Australia Adelaide Mission.  Sister Marquis and I are mindful of the great trust you have placed in us by sharing your son with us.  When he arrived, we met him at the airport, and he was taken to a flat close to the mission office to begin his 14-day quarantine as outlined by South Australia law.

Elder East’s companion is Elder Nalesoni from Australia.  We are including a picture of Elder East with President and Sister Marquis in front of the Mission Office.

The newly arrived missionaries are in daily contact with President Marquis and our senior couples, who are serving them both spiritually and temporally.  They are participating in training and mission meetings.
Sister Marquis regularly posts pictures and updates of the Australia Adelaide Mission in the “Blog” and “Photo Gallery” section of our personal website at MARQUISAUSTRALIAMISSION.COM.   

For the Australia Adelaide Mission, preparation day is on Wednesday. In keeping with the Missionary Department Communicating with Families policy change announced in February 2019:

“Missionaries are authorized to communicate with their families each week on preparation day via text messages, online messaging, phone calls, and video chat in addition to letters and emails. 

If a missionary’s parents live in different locations, the missionary may contact each parent separately. It is not expected that missionaries will call or video chat with their parents every week. 

Missionaries should initiate all text message conversations, online messaging, phone calls, and video chats. If a family needs to contact the missionary directly, they should contact the mission president first. 

When communicating with their families, missionaries should be wise in considering the duration of the phone calls and video chats. In making these decisions, they should be considerate of their companions and keep in mind the purpose of their service. 

Missionaries should choose cost-effective methods of communication so they can stay within their monthly budgets.”

We invite you to be mindful of the direction from the Brethren in helping your missionary be wise in considering the frequency and duration of phone calls and video chats home. 

For clarity, missionaries should use email on preparation day to contact other friends and family members, including siblings not living with their parents.

Please note that all mail should be sent to:  

Australia Adelaide Mission Office
Elder Seth East
PO Box 97
Marden SA 5070 Australia

We are excited to have Elder East be an important part of the great Australia Adelaide Mission. We look forward to this wonderful group of missionaries making many positive contributions to our mission as a whole and to the members and friends who they will be working with in the coming days. We know the Lord blesses, in many special ways, our missionaries and their families. As your missionary is obedient and serves faithfully, you will find that to be very true. Your faith, prayers and support are greatly appreciated.

Warmest Regards,

President Derek Marquis

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