Thursday 30 July 2020

Photos from Quarantine - Bread Nachos & Scrambled Brains

Elder East uploaded some photos to our shared drive today. Because it's P-day we also got a chance to have a video chat with him and he explained them to us. Again, we're expecting an email with more detail from him but will add some notes about the photos and other things we discussed.

Life continues on with the AAM-MTC whilst they are in quarantine. As they're in quarantine, they have had a senior missionary couple drop groceries off to them when they first arrived. The first photo is of a "feast" they cooked up last Sunday night. They're not used to managing a kitchen and discovered that the chicken wings they were going to cook had gone off, and the 3 kgs of chicken breasts they had were only good for another day. Consequently they had a large cook-up on the Sunday night - chicken stroganoff (cooked by Elder East), chow mein, potato salad and mash potato.

They must have managed to make short work of all the food, as Monday night's dinner was Elder East's Nacho Bread™. His secret recipe involves bread, oil, taco seasoning and cheese ...

On Tuesday the Elders had to go and get Covid-19 tests as a part of their quarantine procedures. Knowing that I'd gone through the procedure, Elder East messaged me briefly on Monday about what the procedure involved. I said two tests, one involving sticking a long cotton bud to get a swab from the back of your throat, and one to get deep inside your nose. I said that the one inside the nose is the one that tends to cause the most discomfort.

I messaged Elissa to let her know about the impending test. Elissa must have messaged Elder Reeves' mum as he apparently got a message from her 5 minutes later saying "Enjoy getting your brains scrambled' in relation to the nose swab.

Elder East said it was a long process to get tested. A 40-minute drive to the venue, a one and a half hour wait to be seen, waiting for all to get their tests done and then the 40-minute drive back. Hopefully, they all come back negative. We were sent a photo of Elders East and Reeves waiting for their tests.

We're still waiting for our weekly email to arrive ...

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