Thursday 23 July 2020

The First Email Home - 22nd July 2020

Hello East Family,

My flight was really good, nice and short only about 2 hours and I just looked out the window for most of it. I did have an exit row seat so I may have fallen asleep for a small bit.

When I arrived I had to get screened by the police which was a bit intimidating but they were all chill so it was all good in the end.

Quarantine isn't too bad.  We're all sharing one room and the other rooms are turned into studying and class rooms. We're all getting along really well, I'll talk about the Elders later. The flat is also really good. We didn't get central heating fixed until Tuesday but we've had plenty of space heaters to keep us warm. We probably won't have flats this nice in the field.

Food is pretty good. So far we've all taken turns cooking and everything's been edible so far. We had a lot of essentials stocked for us when we got there and we got a delivery Sunday with a lot more items (including hot chocolate which I was going through withdrawals for). We actually do have a slow cooker so I'm seeing if our ingredients list gets approved so I can make a chicken stroganoff.

There are five Elders in total. My companion is Elder Nalosoni, he's the big fellow in the pictures. He's pretty quiet in general but we've had some great moments during companionship study. He was originally called to the Philippines.

I can say this about all the Elders, we're all pretty funny guys with a great sense of humor. The other elders are in a tripanionship, there is Elder Reeves who is Kendall's brother. He's got a lot of missionary friends and a lot of experience. He was originally called to the Sendai (Tokyo North) Mission in Japan. Elder Roberts is the longest-serving of the Elders as he was called to Samoa and served there for two months before coming back home. He is also the district leader. Elder Ma'a is the final Elder, he was called to the Ivory Coast.

I am the youngest by age and calling date. I am the only Elder actually called to Adelaide and I am also the only Elder not endowed. Apparently, I'm one of the first missionaries in a while who has actually been called to Adelaide.

The MTC experience here has been amazing and so much better than the online MTC. We've got stuff to do from 8am to 9pm and it's all organised with breaks so that it all works really well.
It definitely makes up for the lost time in the NZ MTC.

Love, Elder East

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