Monday 24 August 2020

Sister Grant Is Impressed By Elder East

The Grants are a senior missionary couple in the AAM mission office. Most of our email communications with the mission office have been through Sister Grant and she has helped us out a number of times. Here's the email exchange between Elissa and Sister Grant over the last 24 hours.

From: East Family
Sent: Sunday, 23 August 2020 8:17 PM
To: Australia Adelaide Mission
Subject: RE: Elder East - Temple

Hello Sister Grant,
Did Elder East's parcel for the temple arrive? When is he going through?
Elissa East

From: Australia Adelaide Mission
Sent: Sunday, 23 August 2020 8:54 PM
To: East Family
Subject: Re: Elder East - Temple

The package got here a couple of days ago! We consider it a mission miracle! I don’t think the day is set yet. We will for sure let you know.
Thank you so much for making that happen so quickly. I don’t know how you did it but we are grateful. It means President can be free to schedule very soon.
Our thanks and love to you. 
I was in a District Council with Elder East on Thursday and we were role playing. I was the investigator who didn’t want to commit. You should have seen your son in action. With kindness and a personal touch that you don’t often see in young Elders, he guided me to truth. I was so impressed.
Sister Grant

From: East Family
Sent: Monday, 24 August 2020 6:42 AM
To: Australia Adelaide Mission
Subject: RE: Elder East - Temple

Thank you Sister Grant,
I really appreciated knowing it has arrived and look forward to the date.
Thank you also for kind words on how he is going. He isn’t big on words, emails or explaining what is happening. I know he is very concerned he isn’t learning quick enough, so it is reassuring to know he is doing better than he thinks he is.
Have a great week.

From: Australia Adelaide Mission
Sent: Monday, 24 August 2020 8:46 AM
To: East Family
Subject: RE: Elder East - Temple

I can assure you after the two hours we got to spend with him that he is doing great.  His soft spoken and humble manner is a definite asset, as it makes people around him feel secure and accepted.

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