Sunday 2 August 2020

Transfers and Trainers - Elder De Guzman

The AAM blog has updated with details of the transfers. Check it out for more photos and details.

The morning after quarantine finished, President Marquis took the five quarantining Elders out for a hike in Morialta Conservation Park.

Then they had lunch at the Mission home before being assigned to their trainers/companions.

 Then it was time to meet their trainers/companions and head off to their first areas.

Elder East's trainer is Elder De Guzman. He is from the Philippines and arrived in the AAM back in December 2019. [Note 06/08/20: The AAM website photo was captioned as Elder Narag and Elder East together, so we thought Elder Narag was his trainer, but it's actually Elder  De Guzman. I've changed the blog title and references in here to reflect this.]

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