Monday 18 January 2021

Elder East's Christmas Card Home

Catching up with a post I meant to put up a couple of weeks ago. Elder East sent a Christmas card home, but due to the mail backlog it didn't arrive until the week after Christmas. We loved his words to each of us and are proud of him as he serves as a missionary at this difficult time.

Dear Family

You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for existing.

To Mum, you the best. I miss your cooking and your hugs.

To Dad, you also the best. I miss your humour, and your advice, and your incredible good looks.

To Jewel, you OK. I don't miss you. SIKE, you also the best. I miss having fun with you.

To Jayde, whenever you read this, you the best. We should talk more, I miss you too.

But I don't miss home. I love being out here on a mission and I'll see y'all in 2022.

Love from, Elder East

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