Sunday 17 January 2021

Video Chat - 13th January 2021 - Farewell to Elder Lwin? Transferred Again?

Elissa managed to have a quick 5 minute chat with Elder East on P-Day this week, but that was all. No photos or screenshots of the chat.

Elder Lwin was originally scheduled to finish his mission in March, however, the date had been brought forward to February to coincide with a government repatriation flight back to Myanmar. Elders East and Lwin had to go into the missionary office on Tuesday to do some administration for that, at which point they were told that the flight was being brought forward to this Thursday, via Brisbane.

Elder Lwin had to go and have a Covid test to confirm he was covid-free to be eligible to take the flight. The Elders were then told to go home, pack and wait for a call to confirm if Elder Lwin would be on the flight.

With the next day being P-Day, their district decided to have their District Activity and hold a farewell for Elder Lwin. We don't have details of what they actually did, but that was why we didn't get much of a chat with Elder East. 

We did get a one-line message from Elder East that evening letting us know that Elder Lwin wasn't going on the repatriation flight, so no changes for now, but they'll have to see what that means for him going home.

A couple of other quick points that were discussed:

  • Elder East says that they are getting fed a lot in his new ward (Gulfview Heights), but the members haven't seemed too interested in missionary work itself.
  • One of the senior missionary couples in the mission was in Broken Hill. They needed to be Covid tested to get authorisation to cross the border back into SA, however, the authorities managed to somehow lose their tests.
  • Even though Elder Lwin's nearing the end of his mission his English still isn't the strongest and Elder East says that communication is still sometimes a challenge between them. 

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