Tuesday 26 January 2021

Transfers, Leadership and Fires

 We received a quick message from Elder East on Sunday evening with two main points:

  1. He was being transferred again. Transfers were the following day (Monday) and he'd received the advice that he was being transferred.  He didn't know where or when at that point in time; and
  2. Was there a major fire near Adelaide? [with the following photo]

Having lived through the 2019-20 bushfires, Elder East is mindful of the impact that major fires can cause. He had also received the following warning:

At that point, there wasn't anything about the fire on the news, but over the following couple of hours it became apparent that the fire was a concern and there were regular emergency warnings in the media. Fortunately, it wasn't anywhere close to Elder East. We sent him a quick update on the fire.

As the evening progressed, Elder East sent us an update advising that he was being sent to Onkaparinga Ward, that he was going to be the Zone Leader over Marion Zone, and that he would be companions with Elder Taua. We joked that he's served in 6 of Adelaide's wards, his goal should be to serve in the other 7 wards before his mission ends. :)

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