Saturday 22 May 2021

Canberra Stake Youth Fireside - 16th May 2021

Canberra Stake arranged for a missionary-themed youth fireside on the evening of Sunday 16th May. They invited a number of currently serving missionaries from the Stake to join in a Q&A with the Canberran youth. Elder East was able to join in, along with Elder Stiles and Sister Malu who are also serving from Canberra in the AAM, and Sister Abel and Elder Vakalahi who were serving from his home ward.

Elissa joined Jewel in going to the fireside so she could see Elder East

I am told that Elder East spoke well to the questions he was asked, with some of his [paraphrased] responses being:

  • Q: What is the hardest thing about your mission?  A: Friends you develop who start to learn about the Gospel but who are unwilling to repent or make the commitment to follow the Saviour
  • Q: What has surprised you the most?  A: That he doesn't miss home. (Apparently there was a lot of laughter and looks at Elissa after he made that comment to see how she'd react, but as we always comment, we've raised him to be independent and go on a mission. We're glad he's enjoying his mission and isn't homesick.)
  • Q: What was the worst food you've eaten? A: Some of his companion's cooking.
  • Q: What was a spiritual highlight he's had? A: Receiving the prompting to leave his Sunday class and to go outside to discover that their investigator's husband was outside. 

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