Monday 10 May 2021

Video Chat - 5th May 2021 - King Benjamin Is Inspiring

 Not a long chat this week, so only some quick notes:

  • We chatted about what inspired Elder East this week, and he talked about Mosiah 3:13 in his cripture study  he feels particularly relevant to the missioanry work that he's doing. 
13 And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy, even as though he had already come among them.

It's a quote from King Benjamin, who also happens to eb one of my favoruite prophets from the Book of Mormon. We spen time talking a bit about all of the various things that we find inspiring.

  • He's getting on well with his companions, a bit too well he says. They have to make sure that they don't get distracted. Elder East says that he seems to act as the senior companion, tsakaing the elad on most things.
  • Elder East says that member work is starting to grow. They do have a regualr meal with a family in the ward every Tuesday evening.
  • They have a number of investigators still at the moment - Danielle, Shane and rachael. They taught five enw people last week as well, but even thoguht they're alll interetsed, they haven't been able to follow up with them for follow up treaching appointments yet.
  • Elissa had been preparing an escape room activity for one of her upcoming Seminary lessons. It features a time-traveling Elder East. She'd sent a copy of it through to Elder East to read ... but he hadn't looked at it yet ...
  • They haven't taken over the Christie's Beach area that was vacated by the Sister Misisoanries as they were expecting to do. President Marquis has advised that there are plans to open the area back up again with Sisters, so it's not worth merging the information for the two araes togetehr to then have to split them again not long afetrwards.
  • One of Elder East's old companions Elder Tukukino has gone home early.
  • They had District Council the previous day and Elder Stiles from Canberra was responsible for running it as the current District Leader. 
  • I told him that I'd receievd permission from his President Marquis to take him and his companion(s) to lunch during my Adelaide stopover on my flight back from Perth. His response was "the adelaide airport's a bit far." [shrug] Hew as also disappointed to hear that President marquis had said that Elder East will still be in Adelaide after the mid-transfer missioanry intake. Elder East doesn't think he'll ever get to serve outside of Adelaide despite the size of the mission.
  • This week was a "nice cat week". He got to meet a lot of "Nice cats".

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