Thursday 20 May 2021

Video Chat(s) - 12th May 2021- Training, Transfers & Grandparents

P-Day was punctuated by three short video chats with Elder East as his big news was that he was going to be training a new missionary from the mid-cycle intake coming in that day.  He didn't have any details of the new missionary, but he would still be in a three-way companionship in Onkaparinga Ward. He would still be staying with Elder Brown as Zone Leaders whilst they trained the greenie together. Elder Cooke was being transferred out to another area.

Because of transfers, he wouldn't get long to chat with us. I also didn't get any screenshots during the calls and didn't get any photos from Elder East, so this is a pictureless update.

When he did call, he hadn't been chatting long when there was somebody banging on the window wanting help. He said he'd try calling Elissa again later but didn't get a chance to.

A few other items that were mentioned:

  • Elder Reeves was being transferred down from Darwin and would be staying with them overnight.
  • Elder East is wanting to get a new jacket to wear with non-proselyting clothes. He says that his trench coat is fine when he's in missionary gear, but no good if exercising, P Days, service activities, etc.
  • President Marquis had granted permission for Elder East and his companions to come out to see me during my four hour stopover at the Adelaide Airport the following Monday.
  • Elder East had also been given permission to participate in the Canberra Stake Youth Fireside the following Sunday evening.
Elder East had two quick video calls with his grandparents - one with Grandad and one with Nanny during the afternoon. Adam was currently with his parents down in Albany. They were only short calls but they were both happy to see him and told him how proud they were of him.

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