Thursday 25 February 2021

Missionary Leadership Council - 20th February 2021- Great Feedback

Elder East had said that he was going to be attending his first-ever Missionary Leadership Council on Saturday (20th Feb). The AAM blog has updated with a post and photos of the MLC. The MLC had Elder Paul N. Lekias, Area Seventy, and Sister Rebecca Lekias in attendance. 

We know the Lekias' as they're from Perth and from the same generation as us - just a little bit older.

Elissa received the following message from Rebecca Lekias on Sunday evening.

"Elissa, Paul and I have been in Adelaide this weekend for multiple church meetings and one of them was with the Adelaide missionaries serving in leadership positions.  It was such a lovely surprise to see Elder East, he is looking great and was a stand out in his participation and discussion at mission leadership council. You must be so proud of him 😊 it’s so lovely to see friends children growing up in the gospel and staying strong. Love to you and the family 💕💕"

Elissa responded: 

"Thank you so much.  We are so proud of him.  I had told him if he ever had Pres and Sister Lekias visit he had to say Hi. Did he? ... He is enjoying being a zone leader and I know he was really looking forward to the mission leader training. Thank you for giving me that feedback."

Rebecca responded: 

"I don’t think he remembered but that’s all fine.  What a small world in the church, I just love it ❤️ he is going to make a fabulous Zone Leader, he did say it was his first MLC but we sure couldn’t tell, he was like a seasoned leader 😊"

There were a couple fo additional photos on the AAM blog of the MLC that included Elder East.

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