Sunday 7 February 2021

Video Chat - 03rd February 2021 - Groundhog Day & Smashed Cakes

We got a message from Elder East on Thursday night, asking when Groundhog Day was - he was having a good day and didn't want to end. I don't think he realised the coincidence that it was actually Groundhog Day (2nd Feb) that very same day.

We found out the following day as to why he'd enjoyed the previous day.  He was particularly happy about a good District Council meeting they'd held and that one of their investigators had committed to being baptised. They were having a video lesson with their investigator and invited her to be baptised. She said yes, and has set a date for Easter Sunday. That's still a way off, but Elder East is excited to help her prepare. 

He said that District Council involved him doing some teaching on using goal setting as a tool, as well as recapping what was discussed during Adelaide Area Zone Conference the previous Friday. Zone Conference consisted of a general session of training, and then a break-out session for each individual zone.

Elder East and Taua gave a presentation during the general session. He explained it was a type of scripture chase, with lolly rewards for those who got the scriptures first. On the last scripture chase, the reward was a mud cake ... except Elder Taua mashed up the cake when giving it to the winning Elder. They then used this as an analogy "Sometimes as a missionary we can mash the cake when trying to teach the gospel" after which they talked about clarity in teaching. During the breakout session, they focused on being "Higher and Holier" - being better and getting rid of distractions from the work such as gossip/drama/practical jokes. Elder East says that President Marquis has changed some of the mission rules to try and support this aim of becoming "Higher and Holier".

The Adelaide Mission had 7 baptisms in January, and two of those were in Onkaparinga Ward. One was taught by the Sisters, whilst the other is the one that Elder East taught during trade-offs. 

Elder East says that Onkaparinga Ward isn't a big ward, but they've already had a proper Ward Missionary Correlation meeting and were scheduled to do things for the rest of the week. The ward has sports nights on Friday nights for members and investigators so they will usually be there on Friday evenings.

We chatted about a few things that were happening out in the wider world too:

  • There has been a military coup in Myanmar, which made us wonder as to how that would impact Elder Lwin's return home.
  • Western Australia had gone into lockdown because of a case of community transmission of Covid.
  • There was also an out of control bushfire in Western Australia threatening the suburb where we used to live.
  • We'd also come home that day to discover a dead bird in our bedroom thanks to Minori the cat.

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