Sunday 21 February 2021

Visiting The Wilsons In Mount Barker

Both Elissa and I served in the Orange Branch in New South Wales during our missions, about three years apart. Elissa has kept in contact with one of the families from Orange Branch - the Wilsons. They are now living in Mount Barker, a small city of about 16,000 people on the outskirts of Adelaide. 

Elder East ended up having trade-offs with Elder Brown in Mt Barker on Friday 12th Feb, and they happened to have a dinner appointment with the Wilsons. The Wilsons enjoyed having Elder East over and briefly Skyped us whilst he was there so that we could say hi. We were at the Garland's place at the time so they all got to say hello as well. We also got sent several photos from the evening. 

Sister Wilson said that Elder East was lovely and seemed to be a good missionary. She said that he gave a good message to them and that Elder Brown seemed to be "hanging on Elder East's every word." She thinks that Elder East looked confident and seemed to be enjoying himself.

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