Tuesday 23 February 2021

Video Chat - 17th February 2021 - Elder East 479 Days, Elder Taua 479 Hours, Speeding Fine $490

Elder East had an accomplishment in the last week. There was a mini-transfer due to one of the APs finishing his mission and going home. Elder East didn't get transferred as a consequence ... is this the first transfer of any type where he hasn't ended up being transferred?

The previous District Leader and his companion in Elder East's zone were transferred out, with Elder Brown becoming the new District Leader. Consequently Elder East went to have trade-offs with Elder Brown to help train him in his new role. This had the added benefit of Elder East going to a meal appointment with the Wilsons - a family that both Elissa and I knew on our missions. [This has been written up as a separate post.] Elder East commented that Brother Wilson was called as the 1st Counsellor in the Bishopric only two days later. Elder East also commented that Elder Brown has only ever been on trade-offs twice - both times with Elder East. During the trade-offs, they also went and shared a lot of other messages with members in Mount Barker. Elder East said that the only meeting  they had with an investigator didn't go too well although he didn't say why, 

Elder East says that he'll have more trade-offs in the coming weeks with the other companionships in the zone. He'll have a short trade-off with the APs in Firle tomorrow (Thurs 18th Feb) as Elder Taua will be having his "farewell" temple session.

Elder Taua only has 20 days left on his mission - in fact, Elder East had worked out at one point during the day that Elder Taua had 479 hours left whilst Elder East had 479 days left. Elder East is hoping to stay in the area at next transfers when Elder Taua goes home. They currently have three investigators with dates for baptism. One of their investigators had two cousins come down from Port Augusta.  The investigator has been enthusiastic about sharing the gospel with them, and one of the cousins has started being taught and accepted the invitation to be baptised. Elder East wants to stay to help all of them towards baptism.

Elder East will be attending his first Mission Leadership Council on Saturday (20th Feb) Whilst the MLC should be good, it's held in Firle which is an hour trip away, so will be their second drive to Firle this week. They have a kilometre limit they're meant to keep under with their car, but are finding it difficult and have already exceeded their monthly allowance.

On the topic of cars, Elder East says that it looks like he was picked up speeding by a speed camera. It was a 60 km/h limit where it had just decreased from 100km/h. He says that he was decelerating but hadn't done so quickly enough and was still at 70km/h. Apparently, it's about a $490 fine. Ouch. 

Some more dot points from the chat:

  • Most of the Adeliade chapels seem to have full-sized cultural halls which fit a full basketball court in, as opposed to the half-court size that he's used to.
  • He commented that he learned that there's a lot more he needs to do as a Zone Leader to help and serve others. I commented that it's like that it any Church calling - it's just that the circle of people your serving and helping changes according to your calling.
  • Onkaparinga Ward has a sports night on Friday nights - mainly basketball. There are a lot of youth in attendance, as well as a recent convert. The missionaries usually go and join in.
  • Elder East got a package from his friend Kendal. I've written that up as a separate post. He says that he should've paid attention to the "Fragile" sticker on the box!

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