Saturday 19 September 2020

Banter with Dad - Kneecaps in the Bible

 Just thought I'd share some banter from last P-day when we were trying to arrange via Messenger a time for the video chat later in the day. The three people in the conversation are EE (Elder East), D (Dad) and M (Mum). The picture of Minori the Cat is from the conversation, whilst I've added the other pictures to this blog entry to help explain the quotes being used.

D: [After accidentally putting an angry reaction emoji on a previous comment by EE] The reaction was an accident

EE: All good I presumed

D: I was being oppressed ... there was violence inherent in the system

EE: It's repressed dad we've been over this

EE: Is she attacking or kneading?

D; Attacking

EE: Hand monster?

D: Yep

EE: Haha, beautiful kitty

D: She was dabbing me, which is her way of asking for the hand monster


EE: No district P-day, but we're having a meet with the recent converts to play sports around 3 And Kennach is getting a haircut from another elder at 1

M: sounds good - do you want to see if an elder can cut your hair? Must be getting long again

EE: I just figured I'd let it grow for a bit and see how it looks

D: Crazy wild haired old man, claiming to be a scientist

EE: Claiming to be a preacher actually

M: you two make me laugh

M: this banter

M: miss this banter and the quoting

EE: Thank you, no one gets my quotes or references here.

D: Zoe: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin’? Book: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.

EE: That's my favourite thank you

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