We messaged Elder East on Monday evening with just a quick "Any news on transfers?" message, knowing that they were meant to be announced that day. Later in the evening, he responded, advising that he was staying in the city, but that Elder De Guzman was being transferred out. Elder Roberts, one of the other Elders in the district would be joining Elders East and Kennach to form another three-way companionship. The Branch would also be getting sisters - Sister Thom who would be training a Mandarin-speaking greenie.
On Wednesday morning we messaged each other to arrange a time to talk, which would end up being after lunch. He also sent through the following photo that he'd taken the previous evening.
We then spoke on Wednesday afternoon. Elder East was happy with the companionship changes. He was happy to be staying in the city and said that the companionship responsibilities for the other two were a bit more balanced/equal. Elder Kennach would be mainly training Elder East, whilst Elder Roberts focused on District Leader responsibilities.
Elder East gave us a bit of a rundown about his busy last week. Last Thursday first up involved a flat inspection which they passed, followed by a District Council, and then a Zoom meeting for training in the EdApp - a new training tool for missionaries.
On Friday morning they had the second part of their "Arrivers training" for new missionaries. Normally it would be just a specific intake that would receive the training, but because of the schedule havoc that quarantine and border changes had caused, the training featured three intake groups - two from July and one from August. That means he got to catch up with Elder Reeves again After the arrivers training, both Elder East and Elder De Guzman then went on a day and a half long trade-off with the APs (ie Assistants to the President).
Elder East enjoyed the trade-offs with the APs. He got to his first dinner appointment in a member's home - the Tehini family - on the Friday night. The family had previously lived in Canberra and attended Woden Ward. Brother Tehini figured out who Elder East was, remembering me from my time as a Ward Advisor as well as the rest of the family. What was even funnier was that they had a friend come over for some help during the evening, a Sister Coxon, who just happened to be related to somebody we know in Canberra as well.
Elder East got to take part in teaching two lessons whilst on trade-offs - one over the phone, and one in person. He said the in-person one was interesting. It was the non-member husband of a sister from Church. Elder East reckoned that he was like an atheist version of me - knowledgeable but stubborn. They did some planning beforehand for the lessons which is something his companionship hadn't done yet and which he quite enjoyed, He's wanting to do that more in his own companionship.
On Sunday, their Hungarian investigator bought his mum to church. She is actually a less-active member but it is many years since she had been to church. She doesn't speak much English so there was a lot of translation going on. Elder East was very happy with how their investigator is progressing.
They found out that Elder De Guzman would be leaving on Monday afternoon and the actual full details of transfers on the Monday evening.
On the Tuesday morning, they had a small meeting with some of the recent converts to allow Elder De Guzman to say goodbye, before the actual transfers on Tuesday afternoon.
Elder East said that transfers were hectic. Only several hours before transfers, the mission received news that eight of the Samoan Elders were about to get flights home and needed to go into quarantine, which disrupted the planned transfers.
In regards to the Sisters coming into the branch, Elder East was a bit apprehensive. Apparently, Sister Thom is known as being overly strict. Keeping the rules isn't a problem for Elder East, but there are a lot of special rules (8 pages worth!) that apply just to the city area. Elder east says that these rules have been relaxed a bit because of the impact of the pandemic, but he's concerned that the sisters will try going by the "old" rules and that there will be some friction. Elder & Sister companionships aren't meant to be alone together so having sisters in the branch causes a lot more logistical issues when there is more than one companionship about.
Elder East spoke about the fact that he's been studying President nelson's talks since he was called as an apostle, and has been really enjoying them. Two that have stood out to him so far were 'Cutting the Spiritual Powerline" and Joy Cometh In The Morning". It was great to see him enjoying his study of the words of the Prophet.
Jayde (Elder Easts's sister) then joined us for the video chat and we talked about a number of things, such as how her work and health are going, her studies (in particular music and its effect on mental health), and games. Elder East talked about playing Ultimate Werwolf with missionaries and members on P-Days, whilst Jayde talked about Among Us, a similar hidden role game with an alien theme that she plays with her friends. That's probably the first chat Edler East has had with Jayde since she moved down to Melbourne several years ago.
A quick list of dot points that were spoken about:
- There's a food court nearby the chapel that offers $5 Asian lunches that aren't very good, but which are cheap.
- After Jayde spoke of her pot plants, Elder East said he misses plants - I presume he means being involved in gardening and the plants around our home.
- Jayde showed a video of a cat she came across that reminded her of our old cat Nephi. Elder East lamented he still hasn't gotten to see any cats, but then again, they're usually bussing to places and not walking very often. The only place they tend to walk is to the local shops.
- We realised that we all had the same culinary problem. Neither Elder East, Jayde, or I have been able to find the nacho topping that we all like to use to make our family nachos recipe.
- Elder Easts needs to ensure he votes in the upcoming ACT territory election.
- There is going to be a virtual Mission Tour during the 1st full week of October, so P-Day that week will be on Monday (5th October). That will be whilst Kendall Reeves is staying with us to visit Jewel.
- The October General Conference is being broadcast on TV in Adelaide so Elder East has invited some of their investigators to watch it when it is on.
- Jayde gave us a mini-tour of her apartment (it's only a studio apartment, so the tour took about 45 seconds to complete.) She showed us the Melbourne CBD skyline from her window, following which Elder East showed the Adelaide CBD skyline from the chapel window he was at.

Addendum: The Late Call
Whilst Jewel and I were at the chapel for the Young Women's activity on Wednesday evening, Elder East sent through a text message saying he was being transferred. We quickly set up a video chat with Mum, Jewel, Elder East and I.
It turns out the eight Samoan missionaries going into quarantine for repatriation weren't the only last-minute change to transfers. Changes to the state borders meant that the six missionaries who flew in at transfers no longer had to go into quarantine, and there were now further changes required. Elder East and Elder Kennach were going to be transferred as a companionship out of the Adelaide City Branch and out to Prospect Ward, Elder Kennach's previous area.

Elder East was sad about the transfer. He had wanted to stay in the Adelaide City Branch and to continue working with the investigators he had. He was happy with the three-way companionship with Elder Kennach and Elder Roberts. Prospect Ward is a bit more of an affluent area as well, which tends to make it a harder area for missionary work. We encouraged him to gain a testimony that that's where Heavenly Father wants him to serve at this time, and to understand and recognise that there will be somebody who will gain from this. Whether it is for him, his companion, investigators, members or somebody else. He will be there for a reason. He just needs to learn to align his will to The Lord's and look for the opportunities.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that they will have a car in their new area, and Elder East is the designated driver. He's very nervous about that and is a bit scared of driving in a city that he doesn't know and is bigger than what he's used to.
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