Wednesday 9 September 2020

Multi-Stake Devotional - 6th September 2020

The AAM put on a Multi-Stake Devotional/Fireside last Sunday night. Only those who were involved in the program were physically in attendance, with the devotional being broadcast. Elder East had sent us through a link to the broadcast during our Father's Day chat.

There were talks by the Mission President and his wife, a new convert and one of the missionaries, as well as musical items.

Elder East was there because he and several other missionaries were accompanying four new converts from the Adelaide City Branch to do a musical item. They were singing "I Am a Child of God". Even though it's a very well known children's song in the Church, the new members didn't really know the song very well. Add to that they were all singing in English as a second language and they were really struggling to carry the tune, so the four Elders were helping them with the item. I made the comment to Elder East that it takes a lot more faith to get up and perform a musical item, knowing you're going to struggle with it, compared to somebody going up to do a musical item who knows they have a talent for singing.

Elder Reeves played the piano as well as doing a prelude musical item played on a flute, so there was a lot of footage of him.

The closing musical item was a pre-recorded video of the Adelaide missionaries singing a piece combining As Sisters in Zion and Army of Helaman. Elder East was visible right in the middle of all of the missionaries. The missionaries sounded quite good with the arrangement of the songs.

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