Tuesday 1 September 2020

Zone and Multi-Mission Conference - 27th August 2020

Elder East mentioned that the Australian missions would be joining in a multi-mission conference via Zoom last Thursday (27th August). We haven't heard from him yet about it, but the AAM blog did post up an article with pictures about it. In addition, Sister Olde whom we know, who is serving in Perth, had her P-Day on Monday and shared some information about it, writing:
... we had the biggest zoom call I have EVER been in with ALL the missionaries from ALL the missions in ALL of Australia zooming into Salt Lake to hear Elder Gary E. Stevenson's message and blessing to us all. Some of these apostolic blessings that stood out to me:
• One day the missionaries sent home from their original missions will look back the same way that Alma and Amulek looked back at Ammonihah and same way Joseph looked back at Liberty jail, and that cramped attic in Nauvoo.
• The Lord will consecrate our afflictions for our gain
• We will be sustained in perilous times
The AAM blog advised that "We received instruction and messages from Elder Gary E. Stevenson and his wife, Sister Leesa Stevenson; Elder Brent H. Nielson, Presidency of the Seventy, and his wife Sister Marcia Nielson; and Bishop Dean M. Davies, Presiding Bishopric and his wife, Sister Donna Davies."

They took Zone photos at some point during the day, which seems to be the norm. Here is the photo of the Firle Zone that Elder East is in.

They also had a lunch put on, so we have a number of photos of that. We mainly just grabbed the photos that had Elder East in them somewhere.

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