Elder East was able to have a quick video call home last Sunday as it was Father's Day. Following are a few notes from our chat:
- Their investigator who had set a date for baptism has "paused" his missionary contact for a bit whilst he deals with some personal issues.
- They have started teaching a Cambodian lady. She doesn't come from a Christian background, so they're starting their lessons with real basics such as the concept and nature of God.
- Elder East liked the dinosaur cookies he received in the mail this week but requested no more lollies for a while. Apparently they have more lollies than food in the house at the moment.

- Elder De Guzman and Elder East are now purchasing and cooking their own food, as Elder De Guzman isn't a fan of Elder East's cooking. We know that Elder East has a lot of cooking experience, so presumably, it's more the style of food than the quality that his companion has an issue with.
- Elder East reinforced he is eating vegetables, and in fact discovered that he likes broccoli, or in his following comment, that "He's become sad."
- Edler East is getting to know his bus trip to and from the city very well. It features three churches and six wedding shops (four dress stores, one wedding cake store and one wedding panner.) We told him he doesn't need to worry about weddings for quite a while. :)
- We talked a bit about the adjustment challenges that his companionship is having about how to train effectively. There are still some challenges for them to work through. At the moment, Elder East is doing most of the finding activities whilst Elder De Guzman has most of the contact with those they are teaching.
- We got a message on Monday letting us know that their companionship is about to become a three-way due to another missionary's companion getting a flight back home to Mongolia, so the companionship dynamics will definitely be changing. We'll presumably find out more on our P-Day chat.
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