Sunday 13 September 2020

Video Chat - 9th September 2020 - Three-way Companionship with Elder Kennach

Because we'd spoken on Father's Day only three days beforehand, this week's video chat was shorter than normal.

The major topic of course was that their companionship was now a three-way companionship, with Elder Kennach coming in from the Prospect Ward. Elder Kennach is from Samoa and arrived in the AAM in Feb 2020 - just before the pandemic hit. His previous companion was from Mongolia (the AAM had several Mongolian elders) and managed to make it onto one of the repatriation flights to Mongolia at short notice. (Monday 7th Sep I believe) Elder East says Elder Kennach is pretty "chill".

Having a third missionary in the companionship has changed the dynamics. Elder East is now doing more cooking. Elder Kennach is sleeping on a mattress on the floor between the Elder's two beds. And they still only have two chairs in their flat ...

Elder Kennach still has responsibility for investigators being taught in the Prospect area, and they went out to teach one gentleman in his home. That's the first time Elder East has been into either a member's or investigator's home on his mission. They helped the investigator around his home - feeding birds, bringing in wood, as well as teaching him a Gospel lesson. As much as Seth enjoyed it, he said it was very time consuming using public transport to get to and from the investigator's home. They also won't be able to get to Prospect Ward on Sundays.

Elder East doesn't think that they will stay in the three-way companionship for long. He says that Islanders also tend not to serve in the Adelaide City Branch, so he doubts that Elder Kennach will stay in the area when the three-way goes back to being a normal two-way companionship.

A few other dot points from the chat:
  • Most P-Days are spent playing sports at the chapel
  • Edler De Guzman showers in the morning, Elder East showers in the evening, Elder Kennach showers in both :)
  • They taught 2 lessons on Tuesday, but none on Monday. 
  • They are teaching a Cambodian lady, but there are long gaps between lessons.
  • There is another investigator that Elder East described as an "eternal investigator" that has been passed over to their companionship to teach.
  • He had plans to write to President Stuart, Alex G and Kendall R.

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